STRANGER 1.2.0 UPDATE Major Gameplay/Quality of Life Changes


STRANGER is a Single-player Survival Thriller Horror Game. Choose your house and difficulty, then survive until dawn. Uncover mysterious truths about the STRANGER. Play on PC or with VR support

[h1]Developer Note[/h1] Again thanks for all the feedback so far and the [i]luckily[/i] small amount of bug reports! I am happy to already bring the next major update to STRANGER based off of community feedback/requests! [h1]1.2.0 Full Patch Notes[/h1] [h2]Major Changes[/h2] -New Sprint Mechanic (PC ONLY) -New tutorial slideshow -New piano mechanics -New easter eggs -VR map 1 lighting rework -Redesigned Pause Menu -Difficulty Adjustments -Lighting adjustments -Performance boosts -Adjusted PC walking speed to counter Sprint Mechanic [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41938521/84147f75ee432f5d2fd192336a1e5ec01ac28247.gif[/img] [h2]Minor Changes[/h2] -Adjustments to cutscene brightness -Audio Adjustments -Added Sprint to controls settings -Reworded UI hints -Bug fixes -Added Scroll bar to patch notes [h2]VR ONLY Changes[/h2] -Fixed basement door/flashlight conflict -Fixed STRANGER bug (redacted) -Fixed Pass out curve, takes longer to pass out -Bug fixes [b]-More hidden changes/features to be discovered![/b] (1.3.0 will be nightmare mode update)