Stranded: Alien Dawn | Update 9

Hello Survivors! A new patch for Stranded: Alien Dawn has just landed, including a few bug fixes and minor improvements. Thank you again for all your feedback and suggestions. Keep on reading for the full changelog: [b]Survivors[/b] [list][*] Fixed a case in which survivors would sometimes become stuck in an infinite loop when attempting to scavenge an object. [*] Fixed a rare case in which survivors could sometimes become stuck in loops between eating and awaiting treatment. [*] Fixes for various cases in which the survivors could become stuck in midair after climbing stairs.[/list] [b]Construction[/b] [list][*] Fixed cases where construction direct orders in different working areas could incorrectly state that resources are not available. [*] Introduced optimisations related to placing floors. [*] Camp flags can no longer be placed under ceilings. [*] Fixed several issues to improve placement of objects on ceilings.[/list] [b]Robots and Guardians Scenario[/b] [list][*] Fixed previous version save games in which Hope incorrectly experienced meltdown despite having the "Cognitive stabilisers" trait enabled.[/list] [b]GUI/Text & Controls[/b] [list][*] Fixed a case where the game would not return to the main menu after pressing Escape. [*] Fixed case in which opening the Expeditions screen auto enables the visualisation of turret ranges. [*] Fixed cases in which incorrect status texts appear over animals.[/list] [b]Miscellaneous[/b] [list][*] Fixed an issue in the PC versions of the game that caused the audio to drop out. [*] Further optimisation has been completed to improve stability.[/list] [b]Mod Tools[/b] [list][*] Mod packages can now exceed 4GB. [*] Fixed some cases in which using mods with entities would sometimes cause crashes or softlocks. [*] Fixed the "Show Log" mod editor action not working. [*] Fixes related to mod entity fade distances. [*] Fixes related to data postprocessing when loading/unloading mods. [*] Reduced printed messages volume when mod editor is in use. [*] New modding tools include a Lua Debug Adapter, enabling mod makers to debug mods using Visual Studio Code while the game is running. [*] A debug executable is provided with this release that enables asserts and expanded testing functionalities when it is used. [*] The games Lua source code is now installed for reference.[/list]