Stickerbook Illustration Contest Decision Held!【Beatus Creation Solitaire】

Beatus Creation Solitaire

Play with VTuber super crew “Beatus Creation” in the classic card game “Spider Solitaire”! Unlock new themes designed based on each member of Beatus Creation using the coins you earn each time you clear a stage.

[b]【Breaking barriers just to meet you!】[/b] Hello, everyone. It's Kou from FHW. It has been decided that a Sticker Book Illustration Contest will be held based on the VTuber super crew「Beatus Creation」themed solitaire game[b]「Beatus Creation Solitaire」[/b]which is now available on (STEAM/Switch). [b]If your Illustration is selected, it will be featured in the game![/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41621119/5e8547960402ec1d4629a62dc733c15c25a0a10a.jpg[/img] *Beatus Creation Solitaire #シールイラストコンテスト ←Your Illustration featured in the game [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41621119/5bcd1f3417d84efb0658406e34fb8318d9ce2266.png[/img] *Entry Process - Tweet your Illustration with the hashtag #StickerBookIllustrationContestDecisionHeld - Any illustrations related to Beatus Creation are OK!  - We would be grateful if your Illustration is saved/transmitted as a png. - Multiple submissions are OK! We plan on having multiple award-winning prizes. - Any inappropriate images that violate social standards and morale are unacceptable. - Illustrations may be used as streaming/broadcast thumbnails. For [b]more details, please refer to this tweet![/b] ~~~~ [b]ビータスクリエイションソリティアの #シールイラストコンテスト 開催決定! 応募していただいたイラストから次回のアップデートにてシールブック用のイラストとして追加いたします! たくさんのご応募をよろしくお願いいたします。#ビタクリソリティア — ビータスクリエイション公式アカウント(ビタクリ) (@BeatusCreation) 2022年6月18日[/b] ~~~~ [h3]Afterwords[/h3] Also, here are a few examples of how the Beatus Creation super crew usually streams. Feel free to check them out if you're interested! [previewyoutube=uZ2gPdi1yGk;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=_urUEqwmhq8;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=zyMux-GgdGw;full][/previewyoutube] [previewyoutube=rXLnqgY-inc;full][/previewyoutube] More information on games from Flyhigh Works are available to read up on Flyhigh Times. Please feel free to check it out! [url=][/url]