Steel Division 2 deploys to the Eastern Front today

Steel Division: Normandy 44

Steel Division: Normandy is a tactical real-time strategy (RTS) game that pits players against AI enemies in a single-player campaign -- or against several opponents in massive 10-on-10 multiplayer battles.

After a multitude of delays, mega-scale WW2 RTS Steel Division 2 is out now. Another in Eugen Systems’s line of extra chunky strategy games (including RUSE and the Wargame series), this one steps up from the relatively small maps of the original Steel Division‘s Normandy campaign and into the sprawling plains of Russia. One for the historical grognard crew, which is why we have Tim Stone in the trenches working on a review. We didn’t put him in the trench – he just won’t leave it. Below, a launch trailer showing off the game zoomed in closer than most will see it.
