From the creators of Angel Beats! and CLANNAD, Key, comes their latest emotional, award-winning journey. Follow protagonist Takahara Hairi as he travels to the secluded island Torishirojima, where he rediscovers what it means to enjoy summer vacation.
We added Steam Badges, Trading Cards, Profile Backgrounds
and Emoticons for Summer Pockets!ːChahanːːDoyaːːHydroːːMousouːːMugyuːːOppaiːːSukaː
※Unfortunately the Japanese Badge descriptions for Badge Level 1, 5 and the Foil Badge
have been mixed up. The English Badge descriptions are not affected.
Japanese follows
開始致しました『Summer Pockets』のトレーディングカードなどに関して、日本語表記において以下の誤記がありました。
レベル1 誤「しろは」正「天善」
レベル5 誤「のみき」正「うみ」
キラ 無表記 正「しろは」