Steam Publisher Sale!

Road 96: Mile 0

The prequel to Road 96. Play Zoe and Kaito where it all started. Change their destinies!

[h2]Hello Everyone,[/h2] 🌄It's still winter, but the days are starting to getting longer again. The spirit of adventure is slowly spreading and the streets of Petria are calling you! 🛣️ Embark on a fast-paced journey full of adventure in search of freedom and independence from an authoritarian regime during the Publisher Sale at an incredible discount of 75% for Road 96 and 70% Road 96: Mile 0. ✨ The Publisher Sale runs until February 1st, so don't miss this chance to explore your own personal route on a beautiful road trip. And that's not all - here's the full list of all the discounts you can get during this Publisher Sale: [url=]Road 96: 75%[/url] [url=]Road 96 Soundtrack: 75%[/url] [url=]Road 96: Documentary: 50%[/url] [url=]Road 96: Prologue Gamebook: 75%[/url] [url=]Road 96: Mile 0: 70%[/url] [url=]Road 96: Mile 0 - About a Girl: 60%[/url] [url=]Road 96: Mile 0 Soundtrack: 60%[/url] Oh, by the way, did you know that you don't have to sit at home while traveling the roads of Petria? Both Road 96 and Road 96: Mile 0 are possible to play on Steam Deck! So, don’t forget to grab your device and have fun with Road 96 wherever you want ☀️🎮 [h3]Follow us on our social channels![/h3] 🔸[url=]Twitter[/url] 🔹[url=]Instagram[/url] 🔸[url=]TikTok[/url] 🔹[url=]Discord[/url] Make sure to check out what other games PLAION is also offering in the Publisher: [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43546045/3d1d511487acc3e9c72419efefffe5cdb97f38b3.jpg[/img][/url]