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In this stone age survival game, you must use all your skills to survive in a harsh and unforgiving environment. From crafting tools and shelter, to hunting and gathering food, you will need to do whatever it takes to stay alive. With all these conditions to contend with, will you survive?

[h1]First of all[/h1] Generations has been in development for almost 3 years now. We have went through ups and downs, but we are finally ready to put it on Steam. Although we don't have a planned early access release date, we believe it will be in 2023. [h1]What's coming up next?[/h1] We will work hard to ensure the game is ready for everyone to enjoy, and we will be doing our best to make this game the best it can. We will have several play-testing sessions where you can play the game with friends for a limited time. You can request features or ask questions in our discord [url=]here[/url] [h1]Wishlist now![/h1] Wishlisting the game helps us with visibility, and it helps you hear about updates and releases sooner!