Steam Games giveaway!

Hentai vs Virus: I Am Waifu

A game about an anime girl trying to stop a dangerous virus. Hentai prequel about waifus fighting evil forces...

Hello everyone! We are making a [b]giveaway[/b] which includes [b]over 100 Steam[/b] keys from various games for you :) Guys, if you want to join the giveaway, you should make three simple steps: [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37377518/5b0cee5f529922a26946833cae7beed51b9fe6ff.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37377518/227cafa82ccaf5a1eb1218a7953b00a23e841564.png[/img][/url] [olist] [*][b]Add Anime vs Virus[/b] to your [b]Steam Wishlist[/b] (if it's not in your whishlist already) [*][b]Share this announcement[/b] with all your friends! :) [*][b]Click "Share"[/b] under this news, then "Share directly to my status", write something and click "Post" [/olist] Give us your thoughts about the game and share how you do social distancing in the comments under this announcement! The results of the giveaway will be announced on 25th of May, good luck! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37377518/b22b71834f0182927d444ab400eaa749124676c0.png[/img] Thank you!