We have just shipped an updated Steam Deck Client to the Stable channel.
[b]Deck Specific Changes[/b]
[*] Game recording instant clip duration is now configurable in gaming mode.
[*] Fixed native titles occasionally running in the wrong runtime.
[*] Fixed a case where WiFi power management settings could fail to be applied at startup.
[*] Fixed some outdated or missing strings in non-English languages.
[b]Game Recording[/b]
[*] Fixed layout issues in the BPM Game Recording settings page.
[*] Added export time to the progress bar in the send to phone dialog.
[*] Instant clip default duration increased from 10s to 20s.
[b]Steam Input[/b]
[*] Fixed a case where a controller could not show up in the UI the very first time it was connected for an account.