Steam Broforce 2018.4 Update Notables Changes


Broforce is an action-packed side-scrolling run ‘n’ gun ode to freedom, putting you in control of an under-funded, overpowered paramilitary organization dealing exclusively in excessive force.

Hey Bros, We've done an update to improve performance of Broforce and fix some stubborn bugs. Hope you find that the game runs better! Full changelog: Performance * Improved overall frame rate of the game * Drastically Improved level load times in Campaign and Arcade modes * Fixed network lag and choppiness during gameplay UX * Full localization of the game (Excluding Map Editor) in the following languages: - French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Japanese, Korean * Added Steam presence text for various game situations * Added colored borders to player HUD * Chat no longer blocks input for other local players * Pause Menu no longer blocks input for other local players in Multiplayer * Pause Menu items no longer appear in contexts where they can’t be used * Added UI prompt for players to Press Fire to Join Game * Covert Ops are now included in the total number of Campaign levels * Players using controllers can now use the alternate special button to navigate back in menus * Players can now exit Bro Select in Versus Mode * Improved the Kick Player Menu and Messaging * Kicked players are now returned to the main menu * Added information overlays to better communicate game states * Fixed various UI elements that weren’t appearing correctly in 4:3 aspect ratio Bug Fixes * Fixed bug that had broken the previous functionality of dropping idle players after 35 seconds * Fixed bug where certain cutscenes would not be triggered, such as Bruiser and GR-666 * Fixed layout of subtitles in end-game cutscene to ensure they aren’t cut off * Fixed bug in Versus where negative scores were not displayed correctly * Fixed bug where Race mode would sometimes launch a Deathmatch instead * Fixed bug where a blank leaderboard is shown when exiting a Custom Campaign before completing it * Removed Snake Broskin from early Covert Operations to ensure they unlock at the correct time * Fixed incorrect network synchronization of various level and game elements * Fixed end game sequence synchronization issues * Miscellaneous stability improvements