Steam Awards 2023 Nominations Now Open - Vote For Dagon!

Dagon: by H. P. Lovecraft

Face unspeakable horrors. Succumb to madness. Welcome to a free daemonic narrative experience inspired by H. P. Lovecraft.

Fellow scholars of forbidden lore! Our Lord Cthulhu has awakened from his death-like slumber and commanded us to participate in [b]Steam Awards 2023[/b]. If you enjoyed Dagon, we’d really appreciate it if you nominated it for the [b]“Labor of Love”[/b] category! We tried our best to develop the project and release new DLC and updates for the past 2 years. The Great Old One promised not to haunt our dreams if we relay this message, so each vote brings us closer to [i]sanity[/i]. Thank you in advance! PS To celebrate the Autumn Sale, all DLCs are now available at a [b]discount[/b]: [i]Iä! Dagon! Cthulhu fhtagn![/i]