Steam Achievements, Upcoming Features, A Game Giveaway and More!

Mad Games Tycoon 2

Start your own game development studio in 1976. Build your own offices, production facilities and server rooms. Develop the games of your dreams and produce the next next-gen console. Rise from a small garage company to a huge corporation.

[h1] Steam Achievements, Upcoming Features, A Game Giveaway and More! [/h1] It's time for an update! As always, to find the latest and most up to date list of changes for the game check out the Steam Discussion forums and you will find a patchnotes thread that is kept up to date 'Day of' each patch. The game is developing at a quick pace and not every update gets a notification on the steam page! In this update you will find highlights of recent changes along with full patch notes at the bottom, a look at what is still upcoming for the game, and a chance to get a free copy of Mad Games Tycoon 2! [h1] Highlights of recent changes [/h1] In the most recent update for the game, Steam achievements have been added to the game! Additional achievements, some with in-game rewards, along with more achievements for upcoming features will be coming in future updates. Two new maps have been added to the game! These new maps provide interesting new gameplay challenges, with the sandbox map providing you a massive fully unlocked building from the start to play with! Tabs and filters for the released game list! A highly requested feature, it is now much easier to manage your list of released games on the right side of the screen with extra options to organize and display the games how you wish. Several new charts! Now included are weekly charts for mobile, arcade and F2P games, a most popular IPs chart and a new chart for most played F2P games. These help bring more life and competition to the game world as you compete for the top spots. Many new changes to the A.I competition! NPC games now have IPs associated with them, use license, create spinoffs, ports and GOTY editions. Work continues on this to make your A.I competitors (and later on subsidiaries ) both more challenging and human-like. A lot of 'under the hood' changes - Faster load times for saved games, performance improvements, staff A.I improvements and many bug fixes. This also includes lots of QoL improvements, and general balancing and tightening of the gameplay. You will find a full list of changes since the last post at the bottom of this update. [b] Again, always remember to check the steam discussion forum for the most up to date list of changes! [/b]. Also post your suggestions and any bugs you may find there as well! [h1] Upcoming Planned Features [/h1] While there is not a public roadmap of all the upcoming features and changes, here is a list of a few (not all) of the changes to expect in future updates! Many of these have been first actively discussed on the forums (with some of the ideas coming from there as well), so if you participate on the forums you might know some of these already! Some of these features are still in the 'planning' stage and will be expanded on later. Acquisitions of other companies! This feature continues to be worked towards, with many of the listed changes to the NPC A.I being made to ensure that once this feature is added and you purchase a subsidiary that it can do everything you want it to. Fan merchandise for your games. A game pass feature. Expanded console creation options - slim and pro versions of consoles, subscription services (such as the game pass) and other improvements intended to expand on your console choices! Console sales and revenue will also be fine tuned as more options are added. Additional Multiplayer features. Sabotaging other player's studios, giving support, victory conditions and more. More revenue options for your support department, allowing you to monetize support calls from fans. Auto furnishing of rooms! A highly requested QoL feature from MGT-1, this will [b] will [/b] be added once the item list is more completed. New starting options, challenges, events and more! New things are regularly being added to give players more choices on how they like to play, adding extra difficulty options, new events that can both help and hinder the player and generally just improving the game experience. The late game experience will continue to improve as we get even further into early access also. And more! The list of additions, changes and the priority of this list is always changing. [b] We want to make the best game we can! [/b] [b] The game is very much in active development, work is being done on the game regularly and there is no slowdown coming soon with the game expected to be in full development early access for several more months. We hope you are both excited for what's to come, and support and enjoy the game in it's current state also! [/b] [h1] Mad Games Tycoon 2 Giveaway! [/h1] If you haven't had a chance to play Mad Games Tycoon 2 yet, or maybe you have a friend who doesn't have the game yet but you would like to play multiplayer together - now is your chance! We will be giving away 2 [b] free [/b] copies of the game. All you need to do to participate in the opportunity to get a steam key of Mad Games Tycoon 2 is [b] comment below mentioning your favorite past or present game console to play on (PC, NES, Sega Genesis, PS3 etc) [/b] [b] On Friday November 12th, 2021 two people will be selected at random from the comment section and contacted sometime after by community manager Panda with their steam key! [/b] [h1] Feedback is appreciated! [/h1] Post a review! Participate in our steam forum and discord (link in the forum). Give us your thoughts on the game, what you enjoy, what you would like to see improved and any bugs or suggestions you may have! We appreciate the feedback and support! [b] The game is in early access but always improving! [/b] Thank you for your support of Mad Games Tycoon 2! it helps keep pushing us forward! - And here are the most recent patch notes! (the build number represents the date the patch was released) BUILD 2021.11.02A ----------------------------------------- - Added 69 Steam Achievements. - Added two new handhelds for the endgame. - Charts menu: "Most played F2Ps" added. - Filter function for right games list: Added TAB to filter games that are in the queue. - Port Game: Games that can only be ported as mobile games will be hidden until mobile is unlocked. - Game tooltips: Subscriptions for MMOs and active players for F2Ps are now displayed. - BUG: "Add Gameplay Features menu": sorting function sometimes did not work. - BUG: Server costs were not displayed in the balance for F2P games. - BUG: "Create Ports": Games were displayed for which no ports can be created. - BUG: Buying items for rooms: TVs and radios were not displayed for the sound studio. BUILD 2021.10.27A ----------------------------------------- - Added filter function and TABs for right games list. - Right games list is no longer blurred. - Menu "Statistics -> Developer": You can now see which games and IPs the developer has published. - Game settings: You can now enable "Random Genre Combinations". - Weekly Charts: You can now see if a game has fallen or risen in the charts. - Mad Games Convention: When selecting games and consoles, the hype is now displayed and you can sort by hype. - Hardware components for arcade machines is now saved / loaded in Save Game. - "Arcade machine prices"-Menu: The profit and the average quality of the components are now displayed. - BALANCE: There are no more "Golden records" for addons. - BUG: Games that were already removed from the market were still displayed in the weekly charts. - BUG: If you enabled random platform popularity, at some point "all" platforms were removed from the market. - BUG: The room lines were positioned incorrectly when redesigning a room. - BUG: (Game Concept) When you created a port, you could use the "Auto Design Settings" button to change the settings. - BUG: Sometimes employees worked in the wrong room. - BUG: (Contract games) You couldn't choose an engine that had a higher technology level than the platform. - BUG: It was possible not to give your company a name. - BUG: (Publisher & Developer Tooltip) The date was incorrect. - BUG: While employees were waiting for a new game report, they still continued to work. BUILD 2021.10.11B ----------------------------------------- - Added weekly chars for mobile, arcade and F2P games. - NPCs now use licenses for their games. - Menu "Own games -> Distributed games": Games can now be sorted by release date. - Added "F2P Downloads" menu. (Own games -> F2P Downloads) - "Random Platform Popularity": Platform lifetime is now related to sales figures. - BUG: (Balance sheets) Marketing costs for own consoles were not displayed correctly. - BUG: Employee Search menu: dropdowns were not saved. - BUG: (Publishing offers) Budget games were offered. - BUG: Sometimes game names were not set for commissioned games. - BUG: (Multiplayer): If you changed the name of an IP, it was not sent to the other players. - BUG: In the revenue menu of games the guarantee amount was not displayed correctly. - BUG: Profit sharing for publishing offers was calculated incorrectly. BUILD 2021.10.07A ----------------------------------------- Info: Due to the new AI, old save games may have strange AI behavior (e.g. duplicate game names, etc.). - The IP system is now also used for NPCs. - Publishing offers completely revised: Unaccepted games will be distributed by NPC publishers, IP system added. - You can now view the most popular IPs (Charts -> Most Popular IPs) - Console development report: It is now shown how many weeks the console is in development. - NPC AI improved: NPCs can now create spinoffs, ports and GOTY editions - Staff AI improved. - Performance improved. - NPC addons now have random names. - MULTIPLAYER: Publishing offers are now sent to clients. - BUG: Console development: No message was displayed if no lead technician was selected. - BUG: Manual and automatic selection of lead engineer and designer did not work correctly. - BUG: Game bundles could have an already assigned name. - BUG: Games that were on the waiting list could become "Game of the Year" etc. - BUG: The AI created a remaster of a game several times. BUILD 2021.09.30A ----------------------------------------- - Load time of Save Games significantly improved. Save Games that are only a few weeks old are automatically updated. For very old Save Games there is no compatibility grant. - Create Bugdet Games & GOTY Editions: The last selected name is now set automatically. - Performance improved. - MODDING: Removed restriction for maximum 200 gameplay features and 200 engine features. - BUG: Servers were heavily affecting performance. - BUG: Room connection arrows no longer worked correctly. - BUG: Package contents of bundles sometimes did not work correctly. - BUG: Reviews of budget games: the hit/trash award was not displayed correctly. BUILD 2021.09.28A ----------------------------------------- - Two new maps added. - Contract games icon: The tooltip now shows how many B,A,AAA games are available. - Employees no longer walk huge distances when making spontaneous phone calls, etc. - Unassigned employees now stay mainly in areas with heaters or room quality enhancing objects. - The development report now shows how many weeks the game has been in development. - Archive (game reports, game concepts, fan letters): Contract games can now be hidden. - Performance improved. - BUG: Sometimes staff members were teleported unnecessarily. - BUG: In very rare cases, the game could crash if unassigned staff did not find a way to their destination. - BUG: In the later game, there was a microstutter when changing weeks. BUILD 2021.09.09A ----------------------------------------- - New genre combinations give +10% units sold. - New theme combinations give +3% units sold. - The last selected lead designer and engineer will now always be set automatically. - Game development / Addon development: The AntiCheat software is now automatically selected. - Staff menus: You can now sort people by "Best Skill". - Job market: You can now sort people by "Latest applicants" and "Best Skill". - Lead Designer & Technician Menu: Search function added. - The "Commercial Failure" and "Surprise Success" events are now disabled if you have random events disabled. - Added about 300 new game names for NPC games. - BUG: Game reports from Contract Games did not work correctly. - BUG: Calculation errors could occur when sales were extremely high.