Stay comfy: games you can play with a hot mug in one hand | Tropico Reloaded | Gamehypes

Stay comfy: games you can play with a hot mug in one hand

Tropico Reloaded

TROPICO RELOADED is the ultimate game compilation for hobby-dictators and those dreaming of their own Caribbean island. Tropico combines real-time strategy and simulation elements with a healthy dose of political intrigue and Caribbean flair to create a unique and critically acclaimed game experience.

Winter brings out a part of me that immediately seeks a mountain of blankets in which to burrow. Even in my seasonally confused state of Texas, the weather has tended towards the chilly and left me with little excuse not to have a kettle boiling interminably as I layer on socks and pull the biggest comforter from the top of the closet. But this presents a problem likely familiar to other cozy connoisseurs: how does one game while properly bundled?

I will admit it does limit possibilities considerably. That’s why I’ve curated a small selection of games perfectly playable while your other hand keeps coffee or tea always within sipping range.
