Static is now listed on Steam!


A futuristic psychological thriller escape room adventure taking you through the once full apartment that you are responsible for.

Hello everyone! Dogwood Gaming is proud to show off our newest title which will be coming to you very soon! We have a lot of things planned for the coming release of Static, as well as how it will impact our first title, Ashes of Kanaka. As mentioned in the description, on Static's release we will soon implement a FREE update to Ashes of Kanaka that will include a new companion joining you in your adventures. The main character from Static will be added to the Ashes world and in the next few days we will be announcing a contest we will be hosting where the winner will not only get to give the official name for the main character from Static, they will also choose their class in Ashes AND receive Static for free! So please keep your eyes peeled for our updates on the contest, and I will be posting new screenshots and information leading up to Static's release!