Starground Alpha v4.0 Released


Build a formidable factory and go dungeoning alone or with friends. Solve logic puzzles and automate resource collection and crafting, or take a break and explore dungeons filled with enemies and dangers. All progression is entirely separate, so your own unique path is yours to make!

The long awaited v4.0 is finally out! This version includes a ton of new things, which I outline all below. With a big update like this, there are of course issues and balancing that needs to be worked out, so as always, let me know about your thoughts and suggestions on Discord. [h2]Additions[/h2] [list] [*] Added lamps [*] Added stone walls [*] Added the mushroom boss (deathcap) [*] Added a key to disable/enable nighttime darkness (f1) [*] Added functionality to splitters [*] Added biofuel (4x more efficient fuel option crafted with wood) [*] Added the shredder (will destroy all items put into it) [*] Added shaking to some machines when working [*] Added sound effects to placing buildings [*] Added track Deathcap [*] Added boss healthbars [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Disabled building land effects on load (decreases load time) [*] Disabled the pathing debug lines for ancient automatons [*] Made it so projectiles move through walls [*] Decreased the lifespan of particles (10s -> 2s) [*] Changed the flashlight to use mix instead of add (meshes with other lights) [*] Improved the shape of the weapon trail [*] Decreased the audible radius of player slash sounds [*] Increased attack radius of ancient automatons [*] Removed track Careful in the dungeons [*] Updated track New Life in the overworld [*] Changed the crafter recipe from 10 iron ingots to 5 iron and copper ingots [*] Changed the daycycle ambient colors [*] Improved appearance of dropped items (shine effect and moving up and down) [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where projectiles would not correct for lag [*] Fixed an issue where enemy health would not get set correctly [*] Fixed an issue where the weapon trail would get really slow when lagging [*] Fixed multiple multiplayer related issues with items updating on conveyors, movers, and splitters [*] Fixed an issue where a leave message for non-existent players are sent on load [*] Fixed an issue where joining/leaving messages added extra newlines [*] Fixed a crash caused by enemy projectiles [*] Fixed issues related to taking damage (all on server now) [*] Fixed an issue where selected tools were not synced with multiplayer [*] Fixed an issue where swapping to an already selected tool would start the cooldown again [/list]