Spooky news for Halloween


[i]Everything was completely silent and there was not a soul in sight, not even the wind dared to blow across that part of the city. Trash piled up in the corners, but no rats or other kinds of vermin could be seen. Only a putrid smell remained in those streets. When she reached her destination, she saw some dim lights at the entrance of the building. They were pumpkins, arranged on both sides of the entrance; inside of each of them the dancing flames of two little candles. Just as she passed between them, a lonely gust of icy wind gave her goosebumps and a sudden itch on the back of his neck made her turn. The carved face of one of those pumpkins was looking at her and ...[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36014898/b873c4ecaedd17f5c383ea40ab7c7f76945b990b.jpg[/img] [h2]New look, new demo, new features and more[/h2] Greetings Cultist! We are already on Halloween, a somewhat strange one, but for that same reason we don’t want to miss the spooky vibe. We have news for you… Desolatium has undergone a small (or big?) makeover, and we want you to be the first to see it and give us your opinion! A new addition to the team has brought a lot of new ideas that we have loved, and hopefully you will too. The new look is a bit more ... cthulhean. We wanted to give Desolatium a bit of that pulp air that accompanied Loveraft's works, integrating rituals, mystery and terror. Judge by yourselves and tell us what you think. On the other hand, on the 31st we will release a new version of the demo with some improvements. It will be a special Halloween version, with new implementations and the already mentioned makeover. It will be short, but we want you to get an idea of how the game is progressing. And finally, since we are on Halloween, what could be better than some dark movie recommendations? Here you have some: "Underwater" (2020), a movie that would be just “fine” if it were not for its ending. We will only tell you that it is worth seeing what lurks in the depths... "The Mark of the Demon" (2020), we weren’t sure about this recommendation, but the Necronomicon is in it and anything that smells of Lovecraftian mythos must be seen. Even so, we warn you that it is not... well, see for yourselves. And finally “The Endless” (2017), a highly recommended film about two brothers who return to a sect many years after escaping from it, upon receiving a tape from their former brothers. [i]"Let his praises be sung and abundance remembered to the Black Goat of the Forests, Iä! Shub-Niggurath! The Black Goat of the Forests of ten thousand offspring!"[/i]