Spooky Heroes released on Steam

Hi all ! First, I'd like to thank everybody who supported the game during the Greenlight. Being new in the business, it was always nice to read your positive feedback as well as the sometimes hurtful but justified critics. I know Spooky Heroes design is not top notch nor is its gameplay but I've been learning all of this by myself, all sides at the same time (dev, design, business...) which can be tricky. I've made some bad choices sometimes but hopefully, I still pushed forward and reached this step. I also know there are still a few bugs left in the game which can be tricky to debug due to lack of testers but you can be assured I'll work hard to correct them as soon as reported. Regarding the release, I only included the windows version since adding the Linux and Mac build was a bit too new to me and I wanted to see first how the windows one was faring. There are also no achievements included yet, I'll wait and see how it goes too first. To sum up, this is a big step for me and I'm going slowly for the moment and will wait for your feedback to correct the shot little by little. Once again, thank you all for your support and I hope you'll enjoy this casual game. Have a nice day !