Explore the magical world of summer camp in this story-rich game about a young Witch trespassing in the Human Realm. Make friends, cast spells, and uncover secrets during your first ever summer away from home. Welcome to Camp W!
We mentioned "Memories" in our last update, but I wanted to go a bit deeper into how exactly they work and what they contain.
One of my favorite examples of the Memory system is the telling of ghost stories, an event that happens twice in the game. Each time this happens, the campers gather late at night, and you are given three choices of which story to hear. For instance, you might get to choose between a forlorn fiancee, a mad scientist, or a creeping shadow man. Once you have chosen, another camper steps up to center stage and tells you the story, in their personal voice.
At the end of the story, you open up your Grimoire and sketch what you think the character looks like. On your next time through the game, you might choose a different ghost story, told by a different camper, resulting in a different Memory.
All of our Memories, of which there are dozens to collect, were done by talented illustrator [url=http://www.juliairedale.com/] Julia Iredale[/url].