Splash Damage s Brink is now free


You decide the combat role you want to assume in the world of Brink as you fight to save yourself and mankind’s last refuge!

Splash Damage’s 2011 first-person shooter Brink [official site] is, out of the blue, now free. Swing by Steam and its yours for keepsies – it’s not a free-to-play conversion, just Brink being set free. Publishers Bethesda don’t say why they’ve done this (perhaps to celebrate QuakeCon this weekend?) but hey, thanks. Brink does Splash Damage’s usual Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory sort of class-based and object-driven action, this time taking it to a dystopian futurecity and introducing a natty parkour system. I didn’t play Brink for very long back in the day, but I do still fondly remember the parkour and bold, battered character faces. (more…)