Sphere - Flying Cities (v.1.0.4) - Build/Repair Drones Fix available!

Sphere - Flying Cities

Sphere – Flying Cities is a sci-fi citybuilder which combines strategy, simulation, and survival elements in an extraordinary and immersive scenario. Rebuild and protect a society in a unique and hostile environment. Pay the price for your decisions and be prepared to lose everything.

Commanders! As promises yesterday, the team was busy getting rid of the Build-/Repair-Drones bug, some of you have reported! [u]So, without further ado, let's jump into the contents of this small patch:[/u] [list][*] Fixed: Build-and Repair Drones getting stuck after some time in the game, after dismantling ruins/buildings. [*] Fixed: Visual light beam effect of Build-and Repair Drones starting from a wrong location. [*] Improved: Increased overall responsiveness of Build-and Repair Drones after construction/destruction/repair.[/list] Additionally, please feel free to visit our Steam Community Hub to leave your feedback, especially, if this fix is properly working for all those, who have provided us with the necessary details, but also to bring up suggestions, or simply have a chat with other Sphere-Commanders and their experiences with the game: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1273220/discussions/ [b]Thank you for flying with us and your ongoing support! Please keep it up! Stay safe![/b] [i][b]-Your Teams of Hexagon Sphere Games & Assemble Entertainment-[/b][/i] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1273220/Sphere__Flying_Cities/