SpellKnights Alpha Update #1


SpellKnights is a Third-Person Multiplayer Fantasy Shooter developed with Unreal Engine 4, in which four knights fight with a magical mana (four elements of the nature: Water, Fire, Earth and Wind) to achieve the honour of the Arena.

[h1]New features:[/h1] [list] [*] Added map The Volcan. [*] Added map The Sanctuary. [*] Added several new achievements. [*] Added "Go back to main menu" button in the end game screen. [*] Improved sound feedback on UI. [*] Added hit zone in Map The Jail when character get crushed with the elevator. [*] Added loading screen between menu and playable maps. [*] Added a new interface to dead players in Last man Standing. [/list] [h1]Bugs fixed:[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed the position of the weapon in the character. [*] Fixed shield creation. In some clients the shield was being duplicated. [*] Fixed player stats not recording correctly. [*] Fixed Main menu player customization. Some clients couldn't click the character. [*] Fixed sounds not being played in some players. [*] Fixed characters that couldn't attack or make shields until they received a hit. [*] Fixed amounts of player that can enter a game. [*] Fixed players input when travelling to the main menu with the escape menu opened. [/list]