Special Announcement: Runner-up 'Studio Game Of The Year' Award

Switch - Or Die Trying

A deceptively cute hard-core platformer where you will die all the time, All The Time ! Die; keep trying.

Guys!!! guess what? Happy to announce that 'Switch - Or Die Trying' has [h1]Won runner-up 'Studio Game Of The Year' at NGDC 2017.[/h1] [b]Yabadabadooo!!![/b] [img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27758100/e5b3a1d88bff60bd9f03456e9b7b5e4a709273bd.jpg[/img] [spoiler]sorry for being vain and posting my own picture[/spoiler] [h1]NOW is a good time to BUY 'Switch - Or Die Trying'[/h1] http://store.steampowered.com/app/506090/Switch__Or_Die_Trying/ [spoiler] stop reading spoilers and buy the game already! [/spoiler] [spoiler]okay, bare minimum, add us to your wishlist[/spoiler] [spoiler]fine, at the very least, give the free demo try[/spoiler] [spoiler]but ya, if you buy the game it would mean a lot, and really help us[/spoiler] [spoiler]don't forget to spread the word by sharing this with your friends and family[/spoiler] [spoiler]okay, now its getting out of hand, bye[/spoiler] [spoiler]persistence pays, here's a steam key for one lucky user I44ZQ-XYKG9-4BXLW [/spoiler] [spoiler]bye :-*[/spoiler] Thank you for the love and support. Love, SwitchDevs.