Speaking Simulator - January 30 - Nintendo Switch and Steam

Speaking Simulator

The hilarious game about the complexity of conversation. Move your tongue and lips to make your words come out and try not to let your face explode.

GREETINGS FELLOW HUMANS. The time has come for the big announcement. the date and event you have all been waiting for. Speaking Simulator will be available for your enjoyment on JANUARY 30, 2020. Rejoice! You will be able to play it on the Nintendo Switch device as well as on your personal computer via this Steam marketplace. You will progress through several socials scenarios such as, Romantic Date and Talking to Your Co-Worker in the Toilet. ALL VERY NORMAL SOCIAL SITUATIONS. Inform your friends, enemies, and colleagues of this joyous occasion. Soon you will be able to be more human than ever! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33812370/e3f0bba4a51b786724b872fbc1ce2fbe471e80af.gif[/img]