Space Tyrant 1.0 is LIVE!

Space Tyrant

Terrorize the galaxy for fun and profit! Space Tyrant is a surprisingly deep beer & pretzels strategy game set in a darkly humorous future. Build a mighty space force, disintegrate peaceful aliens, and rule irresponsibly on your relentless march to total domination.

[img][/img] Friends, xenomorphs, fellow brutal invaders… the day has finally come. After more than 300 years (or so it seems) of development, Space Tyrant is finally hitting its official 1.0 release on Steam. At last the rest of the civilized galactosphere will know what it’s like to crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, to hear the lamentations of their uncertainly-gendered slug-rabbitoid broodmates. To celebrate this most gruesome accomplishment, and reward our loyal sycophants, you'll be able to purchase Space Tyrant at a 20% discount for the entire week of its launch, starting 10am PST on Tuesday, February 27 (according to the laughably primitive Terran calendar). [img][/img] So we humbly-- well, no, not humbly-- we gently, without overt violence, request your assistance in spreading the word, like some kind of tailored bio-phage virus, to the unsuspecting citizenry of your world, via your so-called “social medias,” your “word-of-humanoid mouth,” your “Steam reviews.” The more zombielike disciples we convert, the more likely we can create expansions, sequels, and adamantine pincered war-droids. Here is a glorious Twitter post you could run wild with: [url][/url] Or perhaps a Facebook page is more your style?: [url][/url] And, while it is not strictly speaking Tyrannical, we must stoop to thank you, yes, all you meatlings out there, for all your support along this hard road, even when it came in the form of profane forum suggestions about our forebears, or bug reports where you oh-so-clearly did not RTFM. Without you, there would be no civilizations reduced by atom-rays to smouldering ash-heaps. We’ve blathered sentimentally for far too long. Now! Gather your legions and laser-carbines, and go forth to bring the dark shroud of oppression to the repulsive, peace-loving weaklings of the galaxy. [img][/img]