Space Battle - Revision 0.6.4 Ready to the release day!

Space Battle

It is a frantic space action game. You will have to survive the enemies and the dangerous environment. Prepare your arsenal before the battle and try to eliminate as many threats as you can before they do. Trade, explore and survive this challenge!

Welcome back pilots! What damn! Finally Space Battle is here! I can not believe that! So happy to share the game with all of you! What's new in SpaceBattle in [b]0.6.4[/b]? Release and stable version! [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*] ref: change ship and enemy values [*] ref: review ammo values [*] ref: weapon values verified [*] ref: review weapon stats and gui text color [*] imp: change death perimeter distance [*] fix: solve problem instantiate multiple scores [*] imp: gui station and inventory improvement [*] imp: change current translations [/list] [h3]CONTACT[/h3] Please, if you have a problem, send an email to [i][/i], we will try to fix it as soon as possible.