Sonic Forces crashes out today

Sonic Forces

The fate of Sonic the Hedgehog’s world is in your hands – Join the Uprising.

While our British readers will associate the humble hedgehog with such genteel video games as Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle’s Teapot and Tiggy Two: Peter’s Party on the ZX Spectrum, it seems elsewhere they have an altogether ruder ‘tude. Sega today launch Sonic Forces, turning our prickly pal into a real jerk who — get this! — runs around at super-speed. Baffling, I know, but that’s video games for you. Apparently this hooligan has been knocking bins over for years, and Sonic Forces draws from both modern and vintage Sonic games. You can even create a character to be Sonic’s friend in this one. I hope to play a polite hedgehog who teaches him about removing grass stains. (more…)