Some Love for Lacuna.

Lacuna – A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure

A murder. A hack. A bombing. All it takes to plunge the solar system into war – unless you do something about it. Help CDI agent Neil Conrad make a string of increasingly difficult decisions in this modern dialog-driven adventure set in a gorgeous 2D sci-fi noir universe.

Fellow Detectives, with Lacuna still being around for more than two years now, we wanted to reach out asking for your vote. We'd be extremely honoured to get your vote for Lacuna in the [b]Labor of Love[/b] category, If you're new to Lacuna - since it's currently on discount - feel free to leave a review as well. We're still checking reviews, comments and feedback. Especially with regards to our upcoming new game Between Horizons which is coming in early 2024. We hope you enjoy Lacuna, the free lo-fi soundtrack and maybe also check out the free Between Horizons Demo. Thank you so much and keep investigating.