Só mais 72 horas para a grande atualização!

Super-Patriota Simulator

Attention! In 72 hours something very important will happen, stay in the streets, do your part and wait for the armed forces! For the future of the country and for the future of your children! The Super-Patriot is coming!

Hail Zebrileiros! The next update is almost ready! New missions, npc's and mechanics are already working, just missing final tweaks and more testing. You can check out the news in more detail in this [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2089140/view/3665413967449251859]post here[/url]. However, this week I will be at [url=https://bigfestival.com.br/]BIG Festival[/url] presenting my other game, The Stone Cutter and the Mountain Spirit. If you are from São Paulo or are going to BIG, stop by the Philogames stand so we can talk. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2065200/The_Stone_Cutter_and_the_Mountain_Spirit/ The update is likely to be delayed by a week, so hang in there, patriots! Keep fighting for Zebril, don't leave the streets! See you!