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W..." inertia> Snowy Wasteland 3 Launches Crowdfunding On Fig | Wasteland 2: Director's Cut | Gamehypes

Snowy Wasteland 3 Launches Crowdfunding On Fig

Wasteland 2: Director's Cut

From the producer of the original Fallout comes Wasteland 2. With over 80 hours of gameplay, deck out your Ranger squad with devastating weaponry, test the limits of your strategy skills, and bring justice to the Wasteland! The choices are yours…but so are the consequences.

We already knew Wasteland 3 [official site] was coming out and that it was set in the frozen hinterlands of Colorado, because we have an incredible repository of knowledge and wisdom. But we didn t know exactly what would be waiting for us there. A short trailer accompanied the game s crowdfunding launch on Fig today and it reveals what we should have guessed all along. The only thing waiting for us in the frozen north is death by a cannibal s axe. But there are some other details. Come see.

… [visit site to read more]