🎉 Snowtopia is out of Early Access!

Snowtopia: Ski Resort Builder

Build your ideal ski resort. Keep skiers smiling with fresh pistes and fine facilities. Ski, build and chill in the wintry world of Snowtopia where everyone is welcome!

Hello everyone! After several difficult months during which we did not communicate much about the development progress, we are happy to announce that Snowtopia is finally out of early access! ❄️ Here's the launch trailer we have cook up for you: [previewyoutube=G1PkUZ5qrTY;full]https://youtu.be/G1PkUZ5qrTY[/previewyoutube] As you may know, the studio stopped the game development at the beginning of the year. We have hired a developer to finish the update that was planned and fix the bugs. We will try to provide the best support possible. Regarding modding, the contracts and the law do not allow us to open the source code, but we will keep working on it so you and other players will be able to add countless possibilities more easily to the game. We'll keep you posted, but until then, enjoy your time in Snowtopia! And once again, thank you for your patience and understanding. 🤍 [h3]Play Now:[/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1124260/Snowtopia_Ski_Resort_Builder/