SnackHunter Closed Beta - First big update


Snack Hunter is a multiplayer hide-and-seek game where players use their smartphones as controllers. Join the Hunters or the Snacks and outsmart your opponents with unique abilities. Whether online or locally, with up to 16 players, the party can start now!

Hey everyone! We are happy to announce that the first big update for the SnackHunter closed beta is live. The overhaul is massive and includes things like a brand-new UI, unlockable cosmetic items, a bunch of bug fixes and much more! The patch notes are attached down below. You may have already noticed the achievements for SnackHunter. We are currently still working on implementing most of them into the game, so you can see the list of achievements as some kind of sneak-peek of what's to come! [b]Please make sure to update your smartphone apps to the latest version, since the old versions aren't compatable with the update![/b] Bugfixes: - Fixed Iphone camera issue (Selfie) - Fixed freezes when pressing map button as the Hunter - Fixed camera in joystick calibration scene not following the player - Fixed players getting stuck in loading screen Changes: - Moving over network runs smoother - Back button in lobby takes player one step back instead of taking the player back to the main menu Visuals: - New Menu UI and Game Over UI - Visual overhal of joystick calibration scene Added: - Accessability for left handed players - Unlockable cosmetics - Unlockable Kickstarter rewards - Pointsystem for unlocking cosmetics - Inputmode "Lefthanded" in options - Checking for internet connection in menu - Error Pop-Ups - End Game Jingle - End Game Music track - Fire-sounds, Fountain-sounds - Searching feedback for Hunters Balancing: - Minimized lagging behind of the characters for better distance check when catching New Languages! -Added Spanish -Added French -Added Hungarian Thank you to everyone who is participating in the closed beta of SnackHunter and for all the support on Kickstarter!