Smiths & Legends - Screenshot Saturdays (23rd Dec 2023)

Smiths & Legends

Smiths & Legends is a top-down co-op blacksmithing RPG. Craft recipes within the time limit with your friends while defending your shop from monsters. Go through the 60+ levels, fight monsters and bosses, and level up your party!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42414937/4f45af6702b3ccc908b0efe759937243b990a28e.gif[/img] This week we're showing off a never before seen enemy - [b]The Batteree[/b]. This enemy gives off light and is useful for vision in dark areas. But it's still a threat to your shop! Follow us and join the community if you want to see more game development insights! [url=]Discord[/url] [url=]Instagram[/url] [url=]Twitter/X[/url] [url=]Facebook[/url]