Small patch notes for Patch


Explore the remains of a fallen world from fascinating perspectives! Slip into the role of different animals to uncover the fate of an ancient world. Dive into deep waters, fly at lofty heights, dig underground as a mole or even climb steep cliffs with a mountain goat, there are lots of ways of getting around.

We fixed some minor issues some of you reported with the last patch, such as: [list] [*] The final achievement did not trigger correctly for everyone. That should now be fixed and update once you restart the game [*] SteamVR launched automatically even if not playing the VR version [*] the invert camera options in the menu were reset to the default value automatically [*] font sizes and colors in some menu areas were updated for better readability on SteamDeck [/list] If you find more issues and bugs, please continue to report :)