Pathogen: Survival is an arcadey wave based FPS zombie game that prioritises progression and customisation.
[h1]Patch Notes
- Fixed bug where dead enemies stand up due to being frozen
- Buffed sniper damage(double across all three snipers)
- Buffed GL damage (double)
- Buffed RPG damage (double)
- Chance zombies no longer drop powerups if they die to a nuke
- Attachment menu error messages now display more detailed information, and dissappear
- Lightning Mark I cooldown now 25 seconds instead of 35 seconds
- Lightning Mark II cooldown now 10 seconds instead of 15 seconds
- Blackhole damage tripled
- Baby zombie attack range increased by 40%
- Chance zombie speed decreased to be same as other zombies
- 4x Scope and 8x Scope now work instantly after equipping
- Added fire modes- single fire is optional for burst and automatic weapons
- Fixed issues with attachment menu prices not updating when being hovered over
- Life steal now works as intended