Slaycation Paradise is coming on August 18th!

Slaycation Paradise

Are you tired of the same boring old vacations? Then boy have we got the tonic for you! Slaycation Paradise offers the ultimate in multi-dimensional apocalyptic tours. Slay away your worries with Twin-Stick action mixed with Tower Defence as you visit the end-of-world scenarios of your dreams!

It’s summertime 😎 🧴 Sun cream: Check ✅ ⛱️ Parasols: Check ✅ 💀 Lethal weapons to slaughter demons: Check ✅ 📅 Release date for Slaycation Paradise: Cheeeckkk! ✅ Cool bloody cocktails and wave after wave of monster slaying await you in SLAYCATION PARADISE 🏝️💀🧨 Coming to PC, Switch, Xbox Series, and PlayStation 4&5 on [b]August 18th 2022![/b] [previewyoutube=WkHXcWq9FH8;full][/previewyoutube]