'SlavicPunk: Oldtimer' patch announcement

SlavicPunk: Oldtimer

The game is an isometric shooter. The story revolves around Yanus- a private investigator with a troubled past trying to solve the case of stolen data while fighting his inner demons, urban gangs and an omnipotent corporation responsible for the decay of the city he once used to call his own.

[b]Dear Players! [/b] As a team, we want to apologize for all the inconvenience in some areas of the game, especially performance issues in some outside locations. [b]Accept our sincerest apologies, some issues were simply out of our control. [/b] We know which aspects of our game require additional polish and/or fixes, and that's precisely what we're working on right now. Our main objective is for you to enjoy "SlavicPunk: Oldtimer" to its' true potential and we'll do what's necessary to make sure that's the case [b]We'll do whatever it takes not to let you down and convince you to give "SlavicPunk: Oldtimer" another shot. Bugs and issues are frustrating - that's why resolving them remains our top priority. The first patch will be published within days, so stay tuned[/b]