Step into the extraordinary, dystopian world of Dark Future, filled with danger, chaos and adventure. A game of both action and strategy unlike any other, featuring a unique time dilating command mode to help you make tactical decisions on the dangerous highways of this world.
As part of the festival of Warhammer gaming that is Skulls for the Skull Throne 4 we’ve put Dark Future on discount at 30% off, and we’ve added five new cosmetic skins for player vehicles;
[*] True Fan (Interceptor Light)
[*] Omega (Civilian Vehicle)
[*] Go Fasta (T-Bird Thunder)
[*] Blocked (Interceptor Light)
[*] Hexed (Interceptor Medium)
If you plan on heading out onto the highways with these new additions, grab some screenshots with the built-in capture tool and send us your best ones via [url=]our Discord[/url], or tag @AurochDigital if you share them on social media.