Sizeable 1.6: Community Matters!


Sizeable is a relaxing and peacefull puzzle/exploration game! Shrink and grow your way through small dioramas in search of hidden objects!

Hi everyone! The day has finaly come! The final level pack for Sizeable is here: The Community Matters update! We have worked hard in between all the other stuff we had to do to make sure we gave you 4 exciting levels to fill out the Sizeable roster! These where all inspired by the creations from out 4 winners from the community contest (these 4 can be seen in the last update post). But yes, sadly these 4 levels will be the last update (except for some bug fixes if needed) Sizeable will receive. We want to thank everyone who has been involved with Sizeable in any way! Beta testers, translators, our community discord, our twitter/facebook/... followers, Streamers, Youtubers, everyone who played! Thank you so much, from the bottom of our hearts! <3 We hope you all will enjoy this last sizeable bit of content! See you all in our next game! Lots of love, Sander Ambroos, Jonathan Wolfs & Beau Vankemenade (Business Goose Studios) [h3][b]IMPORTANT: If the new level doesn't unlock automaticly, you will have to replay the "Wonderland" level in order to unlock the new "Giant" level! Sorry about this! This will be fixed next week![/b][/h3] [h1]Changelog[/h1] [h2]Added[/h2] [list] [*] Added 4 new levels to play! [*] Added 4 more turtles to search for in these 4 new levels! [*] Added new homescreen! [/list] [h2]Fixed[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where the pumpkins from the medieval level would scale with the wrong stall. [/list] [h2]Known Issues[/h2] [list] [*] Sometimes the Giant level won't automaticly unlock at first. [*] Sometimes the new homescreen won't appear on first start-up after the new update. [/list] [h1]Community contest winner rewards[/h1] In the last post we also told all of you that we would showcase some sneakpeaks of the rewards the winners from our community contest would get! So here you go! This is the first design version of the T-shirt they will get! Would anyone be interested in buying one for themselves? Winners should expect to be contacted somewhere next month in order to get their rewards! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37896245/44a457d580630e95b5a7385364c18c6d7b3f356d.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37896245/5ad8f6863aa06ecf7fb2e653ace11b25c6f3082f.png[/img]