SimNetZero Now Available


SimNetZero is a realistic turn based simulation that allows you to progress to the year 2050, and transform the world's energy sectors to renewable sources. You select projects and technology, build factories, subsidize alternative fuels and Electric Vehicles. With goal of Net Zero Emissions!

I've been a life long strategy gamer and have always been interested in alternative fuels, carbon removal and energy in general. There isn't a game that I found that is at a level of realism and scale, that I was looking for. I wanted to be able to explore and develop the less obvious technologies and model how any renewable could scale out and compete for investment. Mostly I wanted a sandbox where you could play as a tycoon or major market and see what I could do with a big slice of the yearly investments going into energy. Some games, mostly political simulators, take a social/government approach, but even though there are subsidies and invisibly, some taxes going on in the cost and revenue of things, decisions in this game are mostly about technology that are both profitable and sustainable. IMHO if it's not profitable, it won't be able to scale to a size that will make a significant impact. That said the world uses over 150,000 TWH of fossil fuel energy every year, there's a lot of economic growth opportunity to switch that out, and we should explore how to take CO2 out of the air too! You can no doubt think of at least one individual who has done what this game allows you to do, now you get a chance to play that out in the next round of innovation! That's why this game was made, it's a huge market with lots of fun challenges to overcome. The game went live on Steam on January, 30th 2023. Next month we'll have another release, we expect we'll have a new "optional project" designer with a map interface and "supply and demand", that will let you create your own projects. The demand element should also allow you to completely satisfy the energy demands for a particular country, thus you'll need to find another market for your next energy project.