SHOWMAKER - New Costumes!/ 新衣装! / 新服装!


Showmaker is an app that enables you to create top notch live stages with ease. With this app you can create a show in just 4 simple steps! Select a stage, Select a music, Select a 3D character and motion for it, and Select effects. Work with producers around the world to create the ultimate show!

New costumes for Miss Monochrome! Red, blue, green, and yellow versions have been added! [img][/img] We have plans for other costumes as well, so please stick with us! As always, thank you for using SHOWMAKER. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ミス・モノクロームの衣装が追加されました! 赤、黄、緑、青の4色となっております! 他にもいろんな衣装の追加を予定しておりますので、 ご期待ください! 今後ともSHOWMAKERをよろしくお願いいたします。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 追加了黑白小姐的新服装! 红黄蓝绿四种颜色! 其他很多东西都还在准备中!绝对没有摸! 敬请期待啊! 今后也请您多多关注SHOWMAKER! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 追加了單色小姐的新服裝! 紅黃藍綠四種新顏色! 其他還有很多東西都在準備中! 敬請期待啊! 今後也請您多多關注SHOWMAKER!