Showcase #1 - Plants & Decorations

Garden Life: A Cozy Simulator

Garden Life is a relaxing gardening game in which you create your dream garden in a peaceful, colourful world. Plant and add ornaments at your own pace, transforming an overgrown forgotten plot into a flourishing community garden.

Hello, Gardeners! For our first blogpost, we decided on a screenshot showcase, as Garden Life will feature a hefty amount of different plants and we thought "why don't we just enjoy some scenery before going all technical?". As a little preface: Garden Life is all about freedom of creation. You will have full creative freedom in your garden and will be able to decorate it however you want, apart from changing the placements of the default buildings like the greenhouse and the shed. We are highlighting that part for a reason: when you look at the screenshots, let your imagination run free and imagine how [b]you[/b] would have planted the plants in our place! Maybe you'd use some pots? Or moved some to the greenhouse? Or changed their placement altogether? Garden Life is all about you and how you see your little lush and vivid safe space. While the final list of plants will remain a secret for now, we can show you about what we already have in the game. [b]Please note that all material that you are seeing right now is work in progress and final visuals can change in the release version of the game.[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43282354/fdf17ba2b80fe78a2a6aa34bd90e230a783fe57f.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43282354/1fae0e18b33680c4bb005f5ba601aaa96bb4d2a6.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43282354/1fd3b9763f77b157912c4be8739e1056ca8da584.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43282354/1e67154cce787ce23ea12b31e82d194b0d5e8b43.png[/img] As you can see, we have already implemented sunflowers, peonies, cyclamen, hydrangeas (the white flower ones), roses, tulips and daffodils. Our garden looks so bright and beautiful already and we are not finished with the full flower roster yet – hope you are excited to see what we’ll add later! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43282354/c1d42efba151eae32bdc09d47c1239c430dd1930.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43282354/c02e58d10195391b44735eeda3a338ddc8bbfe59.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43282354/94a8c94c481fb094a12470525675918cfff2f72c.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43282354/627ac1305e446920fd7a6f2b9ec428714bb1a6a8.png[/img] We can’t finish the blog without showing some of our decorations! Windmills, ponds, garden gnomes, snails, frogs and lots of other little things that will make your garden truly unique! They look especially good in motion and we’ll share some gifs and clips with you in later posts. In our next blogs, we will cover some of the technical aspects of the game. Make sure to wishlist and follow and see you soon!