Short Weekly Update #93

Business Heroes: Street Grub

Drawing on the spirit of the classic Lemonade Tycoon. Master the art of a street food business. Design mouth-watering recipes, strategically set prices, and manage inventory to prepare for the rush. Dive deep into analytics to optimize operations and tackle complex scenarios to test yourself.

Hey, Heroes!๐Ÿค— [h2]What's New? ๐Ÿ’ช[/h2] [list] [*] Updated images showing locations of unlocked research items. [*] Added the date and day counter to the top bar. [*] Implemented animations for the new inventory section in the ordering view. [*] Added stand compatibility information to vehicle upgrades research panel. [*] Implemented close button functionality for all research items. [*] Implemented global branding in the marketing component. [*] Included customer icons in locality research benefits description. [*] Implemented functionality to visit localities from unlocked customer research. [*] Added visualizer for research queues and functionality for canceling all research. [*] Implemented check for empty cold storage at the end of each day. [/list] [h2]Tooltip Implementations ๐Ÿ’ฌ[/h2] [list] [*] Vehicle stand upgrade research. [*] Buy stand research. [*] Vehicle upgrades research. [*] Banking options research. [*] Day, date, and time. [*] Play controls. [/list] [h2]Improvements & Modifications ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ[/h2] [list] [*] Removed recipe difficulty from the menu screen. [*] Improved the blur for all locked overlay images. [*] Updated the cursor sizes in different resolutions (made them smaller). [*] Separated date and time elements into two components and updated play controls. [*] Expanded customer feedback messages. [*] Improved the logic for the price survey button animation. [*] Updated all research benefits explanations to work for both researched/unresearched states of the items. [*] Optimized tab navigation by disabling discarded tabs and keeping active ones. [*] Improved locked images for localities in the city navigation view. [*] Updated loans section of the bank view to indicate maxed loans. [*] Remove check for wrong stock ordered. [*] Disabled the ability to cancel research during the day. [*] Added missing event variables to the happiness and population tooltips for city and locality views. [*] Updated the recipe popup alerts. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes ๐Ÿž[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed stand navigation not showing the correct stand content. [*] Fixed broken stand icons in the city view when players move a stand. [*] Stopped locality title header from overriding selected stand header as the day progresses. [*] Resolved bug arising from faulty inventory management values. [*] Fixed issues where the game would start a new day as soon as the previous day ended if all stands ran out of stock. [*] Resolved errors arising from missing data in the worker training component. [*] Fixed persistent flicker on stand and upgrade items. [*] Resolved bug preventing performance, sales, and expenses summary from consistently updating. [*] Added several fixes for event names and values. [*] Stopped the game from crashing when the intro for unlocked items are cleared too quickly. [*] Fixed cursor tooltip state errors by triggering hovered/unhovered events correctly. [*] Stopped the research queue visualizer from showing when the research queue is empty. [*] The autorepeat ordering function now unlocks correctly even if the player doesn't open the ordering view. [/list] Craving that [b]Lemonade Tycoon[/b] nostalgia with a slight touch of [b]Capitalism[/b]? [url=]Join our community[/url] and experience a world where every burger flipped, and deft strategic maneuver brings you closer to a successful business empire. ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ‘‘