Reawaken your inner demon in a modernized version of the acclaimed ATLUS classic, Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster.
Hello Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster Players! This release is Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster, version 1.0.1.
Thank you for reporting issues and participating in our hotfix release! This binary update rolls issues that were addressed in Hotfix 1 into the main branch. Here is a comprehensive list of fixes made:
[*]An issue with the camera position after enabling "Hide UI" during screen transitions has been resolved.
[*]The button icon at the top-right of the CONFIG screen used for changing categories now updates properly based on assigned button mappings.
[*]The order of settings for contrast has been adjusted.
[*]An issue where DLC BGM may not take effect immediately after confirming settings has been resolved.
[*]The sound effects for Daisoujou's actions when in the party have been added.
[*]An incorrect ceiling texture used for an operating room in Shinjuku Medical Center has been replaced with the proper texture.
[*]Family sharing is now enabled for the free DLC packages: Chronicle Pack and Merciful Difficulty. [/list]
Thank you for playing!