Shantae: Half-Genie Hero jumps, climbs, and swims out

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero

Shantae embarks on her first full HD adventure! When a mysterious crime wave sweeps Sequin Land, it’s up to Half-Genie Hero Shantae to save the day! Use Shantae’s devastating Hair-Whip Attack to send monsters flying, or Belly Dance to transform her into more powerful forms!

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero [official site], the crowdfunded fourth game in the platformer series starring a genie who can transform into animals, launched today. I’ve not paid much attention to the revamped re-releases of Shantae’s old handheld games I’d seen bouncing on PC but I’ll take Half-Genie Hero raising $776,084 on Kickstarter as a sign that many folks think the series is quite good and want more. Half-Genie Hero is the first in the series made for big screens so let’s have a gander in the launch trailer below. … [visit site to read more]