SESAME UPDATE 1.5: And My Own Personal Story...


🍔 Burger is a clicker cooking game where you just click to make burgers — more and more burgers! Thinking about pizza 🍕 or eggs 🥚? Think again, because it's all about burgers! 🍔✨

Burger Lovers! We’ve got a special treat for you. Dive into the whimsical world of: [h2]THE SESAME SEED SPECTACLE![/h2] Now every burger comes with sesame seeds sprinkled in delightful, random patterns. A feast for your eyes and taste buds! [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45006676/3c07e78fcff9ced918a4907e0b9bcd68d6fdab53.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45006676/3bb4e0cd728bb9f40606168d1683d243dd8701dc.png[/img][/url] But wait, there's more. Here's a little story from my past: [h2]A TALE OF LOVE AND SESAME SEEDS:[/h2] When I was a kid, I had a strange obsession. While other children played with toys, I was mesmerized by sesame seeds. I remember sitting at the kitchen table, plucking each tiny seed off my burger bun and savoring them one by one. My family thought I was weird, but to me, it was pure joy. One time, my cousin caught me meticulously removing seeds and asked, "Why are you doing that?" I confidently replied, "I'm saving them for later, like a squirrel with nuts." He looked at me like I had three heads, but I didn’t care. The crunch of those seeds was worth every odd look. Years passed, and my love for sesame seeds only grew. I started experimenting, trying to create the perfect seed pattern on every bun. I even entered a school science fair with a project titled "The Geometry of Sesame Seeds: An Analysis of Random Patterns." Needless to say, I didn’t win, but I did get an honorable mention for creativity! Fast forward to today, and here I am, still fascinated by those tiny seeds. Even now, I find myself doing the same thing. There's something magical about those crunchy little gems on a burger bun. And now, I’m thrilled to bring that same magic to you with our new randomized sesame seed feature. [h1][b]P.S.[/b] [/h1] By the way, I'm also working on another burger game, Galaxy Burger. There's a free demo available now! Dive in and see what all the fuss is about! [b]P.P.S.[/b] If you think my love for sesame seeds is weird, wait until you see my other game, Galaxy Burger! It's got burgers, it's got chaos, and now it has a demo! Check it out: Maybe, just maybe, this will make you check out my other burger masterpiece...