September update released!

GameGuru Classic

GameGuru Classic is a non-technical and fun game-maker. It allows you to build your own game world, using creative and enjoyable tools. Populate your game by placing down characters, weapons and other game items, then press one button to build your game, ready to play and share.

We've just released our latest update and in addition to bug fixes we have some cool new features for you.  A huge thanks to Cybernesence and Preben for their awesome additions to the GameGuru Classic repository! The LUA command set has been extended to include controls for the saturation and sepia effects, a new command to highlight entities with color and added a new ammo_highlight script to demonstrate this technique. You now have the capability to apply a Parallax Occlusion Mapping shader to your entities, creating the illusion of additional geometric detail, ideal for brick walls and cobbles. It is an intensive technique for lower-end graphics cards so use this one wisely to preserve your game performance.  Look out for the apbr_basic_parallax shader when assigning this effect to your entity. To see Parallax Occlusion Mapping in action, check out our recent broadcast on our YouTube channel (which now includes a dedicated section on GameGuru Classic) which goes out on YouTube every Wednesday at 7PM BST: We remain vigilant, so if you do find an issue that you would like to see fixed in the next update please do post it on our issues board: