Good morning everyone and welcome to the Secret Neighbor BETA!
*holds for insane reeing and the crowd going wild*
*breathes in*
Ok, we've got a few special things in store for you today.
[h1]The Beta Is Live - Get it Now[/h1]
The beta is live and runs until August 19th. We decided to make it simpler to get it, and you can simply download the Secret Neighbor Beta app on Steam:
[h1]Stranger Reads Livestream[/h1]
All weekend long we will be hosting the Stranger Reads livestream on Steam and Youtube! We will be reading through the first two HELLO NEIGHBOR BOOKS! Live. With bumpers and very zen weirdness. Join us on the Steam page or on Youtube - https://youtube.com/tinybuildgames
[h1]How to Play & What's New[/h1]
We've created an easy to scan through guide of how to play the new beta. Please go through it - it's a nifty [url=https://imgur.com/gallery/F9Ut2sk]imgur album[/url].
The TLDR changelog
[*] We now have Neighbor character classes
[*] The user flow has been redesigned. You now equip your character before you enter quick game, so that we don't have people in the lobby waiting for others to configure themselves
[*] Character classes have been improved/rebalanced/redesigned
[*] The house has many new surprises
[*] I especially like the smoke bomb for the Neighbor
[*] Read the i[url=https://imgur.com/gallery/F9Ut2sk]mgur album[/url] for details so I don't flood this post
[h1]Wishlist & Follow the main game to unlock Clown Neighbor[/h1]
In order to unlock the Clown Neighbor in the beta, you will need to Wishlist & Follow the main game's page: