Lumina, a young Teslamancer, finds herself stranded after her airship crash lands in Wyrmheim, a remote and treacherous land to the North. Embark on a dangerous adventure, exploring a gigantic, abandoned tower looming over a fjordside valley, on a quest to get Lumina home and back to her family.
We would like to take a minute to wish everyone the happiest of holidays and a fun and safe New Year too!
We look forward to sharing more exciting news with you regarding Teslagrad 2 very, very soon.
In the meantime, we cordially invite you to join the [url=]Rain Games' Discord[/url] server to chat all things relating to the exciting Teslagrad Universe. And if you haven't already, we hope that you will consider Following and adding Teslagrad 2 to your Steam Wishlist. Every little bit helps a lot!
Happy Holidays & we'll see you in 2023!
Your friends at Rain Games and Modus Games