Script update

We have updated the game to address typos in the script! Big thanks to [b]Chudah[/b] & [b]Seraseth[/b] who helped us find all the mistakes. However, because of how the game engine was originally set up in the Japanese release, this update will most likely break your save files. If you have just download the game for the first time, please start up the game normally. But if you were very far in the game and would rather not lose your progress, please select the original build by following the instructions below. 1. Right click Steam Prison in your Steam library and select "Properties" 2. On the "Beta" tab, select "original_build - before script update" 3. Close the properties menu and make sure that the game says, Steam Prison [original_build] [i]*Please use caution when using cloud save[/i] Thanks for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.