Acclaimed point-and-click adventure specialist Wadjet Eye Games has revealed that Technobabylon: Birthright, its upcoming cyberpunk thriller sequel, will shirk the studio's two-dimensional heritage to become its very first 3D game.
If you're a fan of point-and-clickers, you'll almost certainly know Wadjet Eye; since its inception in 2006, the company has created and published the celebrated likes of the supernatural mystery Blackwell series, sci-fi thriller Gemini Rue, and last year's superb urban fantasy Unavowed, a sort of hard-boiled X-Files, but with added magic and demons.
In 2015, Wadjet Eye published developer Technocrat Games' Technobabylon, a sci-fi adventure which told the stories of three characters caught up in a web of conspiracy and murder, all unfolding in the futuristic, AI-governed city of Newton.